




復刊時予価: 2,211円(税込)


電子書籍版: 未販売




B5判 112頁



4月 April あいさつ
@ Good morning. / A Good afternoon. / B Good evening. / C See you. / D How are you?
ゲーム Look and Shout @
5月 May 自己紹介
@ What's your name? / A How old are you? / B What do you do? / C Do you like English? / D Can you play the piano?
ゲーム Walk Around BINGO
6月 June 昨日したこと
@ Did you watch TV? / A Did you study English? / B Did you do your homework? / C Did you sleep well? / D What did you do yesterday?
ゲーム 音読筆写
7月 July 夏休みの予定
@ Will you go to Tokyo Disneyland during the summer vacation? / A Will you go to the sea during the summer vacation? / B Will you go to a festival during the summer vacation? / C Will you watch a movie during the summer vacation? / D What will you do during the summer vacation?
ゲーム 相性ペア・ワーク
9月 September 夏休みにしたこと
@ How have you been? / A How was your summer vacation? / B What did you do? / C What did you eat? / D Did you do your homework?
ゲーム カルタ,神経衰弱,ジェスチャーゲーム/ 動詞カードTU
10月 October 週末にしたこと
@ How was your weekend? / A What did you do on Sunday? / B Where did you go? / C What else did you do? / D Did you watch TV?
ゲーム Rhythm Four
11月 Nobember 好きなもの
@ What is your favorite food? / A What color do you like? / B What subject do you like at school? / C What sport do you like? / D What fruit do you like?
ゲーム キャプテンゲーム/ キャプテンゲームシートT〜Z
12月 December 冬休みの予定
@ What are you going to do? / A Are you going to go to hatsumode? / B What else are you going to do? / C Will you make osechi? / D Have a nice winter vacation.
ゲーム Quick Listening
1月 January 冬休みにしたこと
@ How have you been? / A How was your winter vacation? / B What did you do? / C What did you eat? / D Did you finish your homework?
ゲーム Find someone who...
2月 February 趣味
@ What is your hobby? / A Do you like pop music? / B Who is your favorite singer? / C Do you like to read books? / D Do you like to watch movies?
ゲーム Chatting Salon
3月 March 将来の夢
@ What do you want to be in the future? / A Why do you want to be a teacher? / B Do you want to go to college? / C What do you want to study? / D I hope your dream domes true.
ゲーム カルタ/ 職業カード1U
4月 April あいさつ
@ How do you do? / A Nice to meet you. / B What's up? / C How's it going? / D Have a nice day.
ゲーム ChattingSalon/ つなぎの言葉カードTU
5月 May 自己紹介
@ Can you tell me your name? / A How many sisters and brothers do you have? / B When is your birthday? / C Where do you live? / D Who is your homeroom teacher?
ゲーム Walk Around BINGO
6月 June 昨日したこと
@ Were you busy yesterday? / A Why were you busy yesterday? / B What did you do yesterday? / C What TV program did you watch? / D What time did you go to bed last night?
ゲーム 音読筆写
7月 July 夏休みの予定
@ Are you going to Tokyo Disneyland during the summer vacation? / A Let's go to the sea. / B Do you have any plans during the summer vacation? / C What are you going to do during the summer vacation? / D Are you interested in volunteer work?
ゲーム Walk Around BINGO/ BINGO シート/ Vocabulary Practice/ ボランティアカードTU
9月 September 夏休みにしたこと
@ How have you been? / A How was your volunteer work? / B I went to Kyushu. Did you go anywhere? / C Did you enjoy swimming? / D Did you finish your homework?
ゲーム Chatting Salon
10月 October 週末にしたこと
@ How was your weekend? / A What did you do? / B Where did you go? / C How was the food? / D Do you go shopping?
ゲーム Quick Listening
11月 Nobember 好きなもの
@ What is your favorite food? / A Who is your favorite singer? / B What subject do you like at school? / C I like to play tennis. How about you? / D Do you like to watch movies?
ゲーム カード交換ゲーム
12月 December 冬休みの予定
@ What will you do during the winter vacation? / A Are you going to have a Christmas party? / B Who are you going to invite? / C I will go to Tokyo Disneyland. How about you? / D Have a nice winter vacation and a happy new year.
ゲーム Word Search
1月 January 冬休みにしたこと
@ How have you been? / A How was your winter vacation? / B What did you do? / C What did you eat? / D Have you finished your homework?
ゲーム Find someone who...
2月 February 趣味
@ How do you spend your free time? / A What kind of music do you like? / B Do you like to watch movies? / C What kind of movies do you like? / D How often do you watch movies?
ゲーム Word Puzzle
3月 March 将来の夢
@ What would you like to be in the future? / A Why do you want to be a teacher? / B Would you like to go to college? / C What do you want to major in? / D I hope your dream comes true.
ゲーム Walk Around BINGO/ BINGO シート/ Word Scramble
4月 April あいさつ
@ How are you doing? / A What's wrong? / B What's up? / C How's it going? / D Take care.
ゲーム Look and Shout A/ 体調表現カードTU
5月 May 自己紹介
@ Could I have your name? / A When were you born? / B What is your telephone number? / C How many people are there in your family? / D What club do you belong to?
ゲーム Walk Around BINGO
6月 June  昨日したこと
@ Were you up late last night? / A Why were you up late? / B What did you eat last night? / C What TV program did you watch? / D What time did you go to bed last night?
ゲーム 音読筆写
7月 July 夏休みの予定
@ Will you go to the sea during the summer vacation? / A I'm going to Okinawa. How about you? / B We're going to the sea. Do you wanna go? / C What will you do during the summer vacation? / D What are you going to do during the summer vacation?
ゲーム Yamanote Line Game
9月 September 夏休みにしたこと
@ Long time no see. / A How was your summer vacation? / B What did you do during the summer vacation? / C Where did you go? / D Have you finished your homework?
ゲーム Look and Shout @
10月 October 週末にしたこと
@ How was your weekend? / A Didn't you enjoy your weekend? / B What happened? / C What did you do instead? / D Did you go shopping?
ゲーム Chatting Salon
11月 Nobember 好きなもの
@ Which do you like better,cats or dogs? / A Why do you like cats? / B What do you like to do in your free time? / C What is your favorite movie? / D Who do you respect the most?
ゲーム Quick Listening
12月 December 冬休みの予定
@ What are you going to do during the winter vacation? / A Have you ever been abroad? / B What else are you planning to do? / C I want to go shopping. What about you? / D I hope you have a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
ゲーム Walk Around BINGO/ 世界の国カードTU/ BINGO シート
1月 January 冬休みにしたこと
@ Long time no see. / A How was your winter vacation? / B What did you do during the winter vacation? / C What especially did you study? / D Did you finish your homework?
ゲーム Find someone who...
2月 February 趣味
@ What do you usually do on Sundays? / A What kind of sport do you like? / B How many times a week do you play soccer? / C What do you like to do after school? / D Can you play any musical instruments?
ゲーム Four-way Reading
3月 March 将来の夢
@ What is you future plan? / A Why do you want to work for them? / B Do you want to get married? / C At what age would you like to get married? / D If you work hard,your dream will come true.
ゲーム Chatting Salon
Daily Conversation 一覧



 本校では 生徒全員が中学3年間で英語を話せるようになってほしいと願い,毎日1分間でできるプログラムを考えました。それが本書です。

 中学生に“How are you?”と尋ねると,ほぼ全員が反射的に“I'm fine, thank you.”と答えます。なぜでしょうか。それは,英語の時間の始めにその挨拶を繰り返しているからです。その繰り返しの会話を増やしていけば,その数だけ,反射的に会話ができるようになるわけです。

英語の時間の始めの1分間を使うだけです。そこでよく繰り返される日常の話題を11ヶ月分(8 月を除く),11種類考えました。中学1年生から3年生まで同じ話題で同じ会話を1ヶ月間繰り返します。英文は学年あがるにつれて少し複雑になっています。月の終わりには,誰でも反射的に答えがでてくるようになります。その11種類の話題を3年間繰り返すのです。これで,生徒全員が誰でも英語が話せるようになるわけがお分かりいただけたと思います。








   東京女子学園中学校英語科 /辰巳 順子/落合 裕子/大久保 素子/堀田 優加子

    • この商品は皆様からのご感想・ご意見を募集中です

    • 中学1年生から3年まで継続的に行うゲームが紹介されている。生徒はやったことがあるゲームで安心するし、話せるようになっていることを実感できるだろうと思った。授業で早く使ってみたいと感じたし、このような本を上梓してくれた著者たちに感謝する。
    • 月別メニューは、3年間使え1分間でできるので無理なく進められるのがいいと思います。メニューだけでなく、ゲームやカードまで入っていて1冊で何冊分もの内容があり、得した気分です!

